August 25, 2024

God has a problem with his people not honoring him, and with the heathen not honoring him.

There is nobody who escapes God’s wrath, when you touch the honor of God.

God says that those who honor him, he will honor.

God had an issue with Eli and his sons who did not honor him.(1 Sam 2;27)

When we see the next person, we should be conscious that it is Jesus we are seeing. We should honor God in them.

We should honor God sufficiently in the place of the things he has called us to do. We must put the things we want behind, and put GOD FIRST. For example, Esau did not honor the birthright he had been given, but rather despised it because he was restless and couldn’t wait.

God’s ways are higher than our ways, he is a God of Justice and Judgement.

God’s fear honor must come back to our hearts. We must honor the Lord with our hearts and substances.
When you honor God, there are some thoughts you can’t think.

God wants us to honor him.

Honor is a choice, we must honor whom we serve.