September 8, 2024

God cares for us and wants us to have the good things of life.

Philippians 4:19

  19 My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.  

The riches in glory has to do with the necessities around us. God wants us to prosper.

We can never become more by worrying; worrying means taking thoughts. We have been advised  to flee anxiety.

All we have to do is to make our requests known to God. By doing this we are showing that we trust him.

Sometimes, we have strongholds in the form of thoughts that make us believe we don’t deserve the beautiful things of life as believers, and that  thinking about riches and wealth means that we are covetous. These opinions are not true and we should know where to draw the line and guard our hearts.

Don’t let a religious spirit rob you of what God has given you. Succinctly, God wants us all to live rich and wholesome lives.

In life, things hit us and cause setbacks, but when we go through the valley of the shadow of death like this, we are not expected to camp there but to move forward. 

Faith will be required of us to obtain our supernatural provision, and before faith comes the word of the Lord. The word of command (OBEDIENCE)  plus faith amounts to the miracles we need.

We must engage the promises of God until it releases a result in our own lives.

Sometimes our movement to the instructions of God is what causes a breakthrough

We must be instigated by God.