August 11, 2024

Verses: 1 kings 17:1- 16, 18: 1- 39, Joshua 4:1- 4
There are times where we face certain things because of the particular place we worship based on the calling and operations of God in that church. The Church is a representation of the governmental or legislative body of God in the world,for the body of Christ to function properly in our calling we need to understand the language of government and legislation. We need to learn the language that God has given us to be able to define and describe things the way God has ordained them to be. For example, when we find the false prophets speaking falsehood into the atmosphere, we legislate by declaring the truth of God’s Word.
1 Kings 17: 1-16, the scripture tells us that when Elijah shut the heavens because of the perverse state of the heart of the Israelites towards God when they had turned to the worship of Baal. In that period of drought and famine, we see the perseverance of the Lord as preserved and catered for His people: Elijah and 7000 men whose hearts had not bowed to Baal in worship. We see at different points in Genesis, where God used famine to propagate His will in the lives of His children. In the case of Elijah, the famine was allowed to happen in order to prove the falsehood of Baal the supposed god of fertility and rain, who is indeed powerless over these elements of life because Baal is just but an idol .
1 Kings 18: 1- 21, captures the dramatic showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal, who were the occultic sect in charge of the spiritual and economic state of Israel at the time. This sect continued to enjoy in abundance as they feasted at the table of Jezebel exempted from the suffering of Israel. Elijah had to have this encounter in order to enter a dimension capable of breaking the hold that Baal and his false prophets had over Israel, 1 Kings 18: 21-28 which one cannot enter into, unless a certain fire has burned from you. Before Elijah called down this fire, he repaired the altar of God putting it in order before offering the sacrifice of God.
Elijah had to follow this order because it was a battle of worship. Sometimes God allows famines to happen so He can break the previous order of things and destroy those who propagated evil, cleaning out the land that was once crowded by evil and its consequence bringing redemption for all. Elijah used 12 stones which represents government and the kingdom representing the power to bring about the translation from death to life as lively stones upon which God builds His Kingdom, then he put in order the wood which represented the power of the cross of Christ which brings redemption taking away the hindrances which stands in our way, he then put the bullock on the altar which represents the promises of God just like in the case of Abraham offering Isaac as a sacrifice even though it seemed that he was the only means that God could fulfill His promises to him (Abraham), the water represents repentance and our worship.
You may wonder why you struggle in some certain areas while many others who may not be as qualified as you are thrive with ease, people who have not come into the place of sonship.This can occur because you have not engaged with understanding of the things and principles of the kingdom. The principle of government and legislation, the power of the cross of Christ for redemption, bringing the promises of God into remembrance, the water which repentance and righteousness Gen 20:1-1-5,18 which brings about restoration of what has been lost or taken as a result of sin. As Elijah did these things intentionally, he ended the reign of Baal, falsehood, famine and hardship over Israel. He then declared the season of abundance of rain which brought about a new dispensation of restoration, redemption, a time of worship and the reign of the true God over Israel.