Prophetic Help and Declaration – Apostle Ernest Paul:

September 24, 2024
Prophetic Help and  Declaration - Apostle Ernest Paul:

Everything that God has showered and poured upon myself and Prophet Robyn Paul let it be the inheritance of everybody that is here under the sound of my voice and even of the people who are our followers and are part of our online community in the name of Jesus. We say that the new season that God has brought us into, the operation of the new season, the angels that are attached to the new season, the workings that are attached to the new season we release over this house.  We say let the favor that we have come into become your portion in the name of Jesus. Let the help that we have received become yours in the name Of Jesus. Let the Grace that have fallen upon us fall upon you in the name of Jesus.

Receive the capacity to move beyond what your hands can make for you and where your feet can take you, let there be expressions of divine Life, let there be expressions of divine workings in your life now that were not there before in the Name of Jesus. We speak this as a blessing over you we say you are blessed in all things, you are blessed with financial abundance, let doors be opened to you, doors that nations cannot shut, that economies cannot shut, that government cannot shut in the name of Jesus.

Let the glory realm of the Kingdom be available to you, the supernatural workings of divine supplies, let the finance Angel begin to work on your behalf, the minister of finance of the kingdom let him begin to administer to you the keys of all God have called you to do and all of the things that pertain to Life and godliness in the name of Jesus. So, receive keys now, keys to estates, keys to nations, keys to houses, keys to cars etc.  receive it now by the power of the Holy Ghost.

For us, we know that we are being transformed by the agency of divine help and your life will never remain the same because God is good and God is help and the Lord your God helps you, so we declare in the name of Jesus that it is well with you in this house and we usher you into your new season in God. Centre port we usher you into a new season in God. Your season of death is over the season of resurrection has begun. Come into new life, come into new breath, creativity, wealth, power, visibility, authority and glory.

We receive our sons and daughters right across this land and even those that are not in this land who have been ordained by God to be with us and we declare a reset of our order, comeliness, fragrance and beauty we declare a reset in the name of Jesus. Centre port is blessed and cannot be cursed, henceforth you will only see favor, you will see the favor of God because The Lord our God helps us. God is Help we receive His Help in the name of Jesus. Amen